Customers often tell me that spots re appear after they have cleaned, or the clean spot shows up as bad as the dirty spot.
Most spots re appear as the dirt was removed but what caused the dirt to appear likely came from some oil or grease or soap and this source has not been removed. This is why it is important to use the right product to remove the stain at it’s source not just the surface dirt.
For these reasons, I rarely spot clean, I am on my hands and knees and one or two spots turn into three or four spots and I can clean a whole room quicker than I can clean a few spots. How ever if you do need to clean some spots then the trick to clean a spot is to not over rub, you do not want to damage the fibers and fluff the carpet and very important to blend the spot. What i mean by this is, clean the spot that is the size of a 20 cent piece and then lightly clean around the area the size of a cup, if the spot is the size of a cup lightly clean the size of a dinner plate.
Also please do not use home remedy type products like I spoke about the vinegar in previous weeks, ChemDy have a number of good products that I can supply or a product from the supermarket but no detergents or wool wash etc as they will look clean but will become grubby quickly due to re soiling.
Next week I will discuss liquid spills.